Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Consumer Choices 4-H Plaque

An award I got for the 4-H Consumer Choices event.

Blog Beta Testing

testing out some new features at my v.2 blog.


go there and check it out.

Email me @ dak0tawagn3r@yahoo.com with your thoughts and I may upgrade the database to the new site.

4-H Leathercraft iPod touch Case

Basicly this is a picture of me with my leathercraft iPod touch case.

You can get things similar to this at http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/

This was a kit that I put together and it even includes sewing. (Which I happen to be very awkward at.)


4-H Projects

4-H Judging is tommorrow (wednesday)!

Here's a list of all the projects I have done this year:

Computer Generated Art | x2
Guinea Eggs
Pizza Garden
"Coke Claims" Display Board
Leather iPod Touch Case
Egg in a bottle experiment
Patton's Prayer Speech
How to train your dog display board and booklet
How to make homemade dog food display board
How to make homemade dog buiscuits display boars
Stop Motion animation

The Story of The Clocks - by Dakota Wagner

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Akio Toyoda all die and go to heaven.

While exploring, Bill Gates spots a man with a bunch of clocks behind him.

The three men go to the guy and all say, "What are all those clocks for?!?!?"

The man replies, "These are company clocks, everytime a company does/makes something worthless and mindless, the minute hand moves."

Bill Gates: "O rly? Where is Microsoft?"

Man: "Microsoft is over there, as you can see the minute hand only moved once."

Steve Jobs: "Impressive... so, where is Mac?"

Man: "Mac is over there, it seems to have moved three times."

Akio Toyoda: ":O, where is Toyota??? I can't find it."

Man: "Toyota's clock is in Jesus's office; he is using it as a ceiling fan."

Sunday, June 6, 2010



GB VS Pingree Penguins

Mom and Dad won. :) It was a really good game. I vote both of my parents MVP. It is too hard to choose. :)

They played hard and it worked out well for them.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today we went to the Cole family house! They are also our homeschool friends. It was really fun. We had chinese food (homemade), and played outside.

It was really fun! I hope we can do it again.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pingree Penguins @ N.O. PACKERS

Score: 21 - 35

Winner: P.P.

Stats: N.O. PACKERS fought hard at the beginning. At the end, P.P. pulled through and won the game. My mom was an excellent player and is the MVP. It was a very good game. She even kneeled towards the end so we couldn't fumble the ball. I am proud of them.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Graduation Party

We just got back from our really fun Graduation party for our friend Cierra, from 4-H who is going to college! There was food there, and it was really good! I had a fun time. There was a video slideshow of pictures and all sorts of stuff!



Today we won't be playing football because we have a graduation party to go to. We will keep you updated for the next game, though!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What did I learn in History today?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917. As leader of the Bolsheviks, he headed the Soviet state during its initial years (1917–1924), as it fought to establish control of Russia in the Russian Civil War and worked to create a socialist economic system.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Correction for my last blog post

I always make a typo for when I am talking about my grandma(s), I sometimes say Grandpa instead. Please excuse me if I do this. :)


I am so excited for my Grandpa Pat and Cousin Patti to come up here and visit! It will be so much fun. I haven't seen them in over 4 years! I miss them a lot. I will be sure to post pictues and maybe videos of them while they're here! I can NOT wait! :D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

*150th Blog Post!*

If only I could find something epic to be on the 150th blog post....

:: Pingree Penguins @ New Orleans Packers :: Game Four ::

The score was 42 - 49. A very high scoring game. Me and Dustin started out with the ball and got a fourth-down and got a turnover. My mom and dad got the ball and got a touchdown on the 3rd Down. On the kick return, I ran it in all the way for a touchdown. Then my parents once again got a touchdown on their drive. They scored on the 4th down in front of the endzone. I once again ran the kick in for a touchdown. Then, when we were kicking to my parents, my mom fumbled the ball and I jumped on the ball. - Right in the endzone. We had won by that one fumble! It was a good game.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What did I learn in History today?

I learned about:

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill at times wanted to be a soldier, sometimes a writer, and sometimes a states-men. He eventually did all three, and did them very well.

He was born in 1874. He graduated from Britain's leading military school and joined the army. He found himself in many exciting places because of having to go there for military missions.

Churchill began an awesome rise in politics. When World War I broke out, he was the head of the British navy.

Churchill was a great man,  for his military skills, his courage, and his loyalty to his country. He died in 1965.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Meaning of "the cake is a lie"

Employee #1: Hi, Dave, manager says we will probably get a promotion if we meet the sales expectations for this quarter.

Employee #2: Yeah, so, don't get your hopes up on that one, Ed. The cake is a lie.

Employee #1: Really, aw darn.
There you go.

The Cake is A lie

I thought this was funny. :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Golden Standard

This is a lego man I made with golden weapons. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pingree Penguins @ New Orleans Packers: Game 3

It was a tie. 35-35. It was fun to play. I was able to intercept the ball in the 4th quarter to tie the game before the clock ran out. Since one of the rules was there is no overtime, the game ended tied. It was a good game.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh well.... :(

Well, today, two of our friends, Isaac and Andrew were going to come to our house today and see our farm animals, but Andrew is sick, so he can't come today. They will come next week though! I hope he gets better. :(

I also think I am getting a cold too.

Well, Have a good day,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How I make ROBLOX Hats

This is how I make ROBLOX hats. Sorry for the bad quality, so some parts of the picture might not show up. Here is a template I made. It is colored and ready to be 3D modeled:

Here is the hat after being tweaked to my liking and shaped:

I thought the glowing eyes looked really cool. The horns are cool too! :) After I make the hat in my 3d modeling program, I import it into ROBLOX and try it on my character. The complete process takes about 20-30 minutes.

Have a good day,


Verse of the Day

The Father has loved us so much! He loved us so much that we are called children of God.

1 John 3:1