Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Story of The Clocks - by Dakota Wagner

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Akio Toyoda all die and go to heaven.

While exploring, Bill Gates spots a man with a bunch of clocks behind him.

The three men go to the guy and all say, "What are all those clocks for?!?!?"

The man replies, "These are company clocks, everytime a company does/makes something worthless and mindless, the minute hand moves."

Bill Gates: "O rly? Where is Microsoft?"

Man: "Microsoft is over there, as you can see the minute hand only moved once."

Steve Jobs: "Impressive... so, where is Mac?"

Man: "Mac is over there, it seems to have moved three times."

Akio Toyoda: ":O, where is Toyota??? I can't find it."

Man: "Toyota's clock is in Jesus's office; he is using it as a ceiling fan."

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Verse of the Day

The Father has loved us so much! He loved us so much that we are called children of God.

1 John 3:1