Saturday, April 10, 2010


I thought I'd share with you something funny today:


1337 Speak is when someone replaces all the letters in a word with numbers..

It takes a long time to translate between regular English and 1337 even if you know all 26 1337 secrets, unless you're very skilled at it.

Here are the 26 1337 secrets.

A = 4

B = 3

C = (

D = )

E = 3

F = =

G = 6

H = -

I =

J = 9

K =

L = 1

M =

N =
(It is backwards because the frontslash under the backspace key is famous for not showing up on many websites.)

O = 0 (zero)

P =

Q = 0,

R =

S = 5

T = 7

U =

V =

W =

X = ><

Y = `/

Z = 2

S0m3 p30ple 4r3 700 l4zy 70 wri73 7hin65 in fu11 1337, r3su17ing in a 53n73nc3 1ik3 7hi5.

N0W 13N'T T|-|4T C00L?

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Verse of the Day

The Father has loved us so much! He loved us so much that we are called children of God.

1 John 3:1