Today is my first science experiment for this year!
What is the experiment about, you ask? Turgor Pressure.
What is it?
Turgor Pressure is the stiffness of plant cells caused by water pressure.
What did I do?
To test Turgor Pressure, I cut two potatoes into strips about the size of a french fry. Then I put them into 2 inches of water in seperate bowls. (As seen in the picture above.) One bowl is fresh water, while the other is salt water.
What were the results?
The potato in fresh water was very crisp - Turgor Pressure has happened here.
The potato in salt water was very flimsy and soft. This is because the salt caused the potatoe cells to loose Turgor Pressure.
What conditions are necessary for plant cells to have Turgor Pressure?
An abundant amount of water is needed for Turgor Pressure to occur.
Thanks for reading!!!
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