All the original trains at ROBLOX are beatiful on ROBLOX
Holy Cow! I went to Rock 30 Games (A Video Game Store), and found Spider-Man 2 the video game! Score! This game I have been wanting for a very very long time. They want 50 bucks for it online and that's the cheapest you can find it! Guess how much I got mine for? 7 bucks!
I have been reading your blog and wanted you to know that I
really am enjoying it.
I love the pictures of your birthday (and dad's). I felt like I
was right there, since we were there a couple of years ago.
It looks like you are getting very tall ! But Spiderman is even
taller ! I am glad you were able to get Spiderman that you
wanted for a long time (and so cheap too!).
I hope your school year is going well and I know you have the
best teacher !!
Keep on blogging !!!
Love from Florida
Miss Bev
Sweet more posts!
oh, and I just love that game!
Thanks, Miss Bev for the comment!
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